-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HL7 Tools Release Notes - https://www.raymarron.com/hl7/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key: + New feature or improvement - Feature deprecated or removed (deprecated items are removed after one year) * Bugfix ! Breaking change, attention required upon upgrade 2022-08-06 HL7ScriptService 10.065 * Resolved CoInitializeEx errors by moving the calls from the thread's Create and Destroy methods to Execute. 2022-08-04 HL7ScriptServiceConfig 10.064, HL7TransmitterConfig 10.074 * Fixed unquoted path when installing services. Failed on paths with spaces. * Fixed the transmitter config not exiting after answering "no" to the restart prompt. HL7ScriptService 10.064 * CoInitializeEx is failing on all but the first thread started. The error has been changed to a warning to allow the thread to continue while the issue is investigated. 2021-05-01 HL7Script 10.425 * Re-evaluate __TZSender after assigning __InputMsgStr/Text. HL7ScriptServiceConfig 10.062 + Improved errors/warnings when two active file-based connections try to use the same Input Wildcard or directory. HL7TransmitterConfig 10.073 + Added errors/warnings when two active file-based transmitters try to use the same Input Wildcard or directory. 2021-04-10 HL7Script 10.424 * Fixed a parsing bug causing errors on IF statements with more than two AND/OR/XOR conditions unless parentheses were used to break them up. + Made the __InputMsgStr and __InputMsgText built-in variables read-write for use with non-HL7 input. HL7TransmitterConfig 10.072 * Updated the config program to alert that the service must be restarted after an ini update before opening the Connection Status dialog. It would try to show the status of the new settings rather than the running settings. 2021-03-20 HL7ScriptService 10.061, HL7TransmitterService 10.071 + Changed the StatusSQL heartbeat update from 10 minutes to 5. HL7Viewer 10.205 + Added reminders to the Filter and Find dialogs that the HL7Script expression should not include a literal "IF". 2021-01-24 HL7ScriptService 10.060, HL7TransmitterService 10.070 + Added the StatusDB ini setting to allow StatusSQL to use a database other than the one defined for the connection. This also allows for file-based connections to make use of the StatusSQL feature. + Added the :StartTime parameter to StatusSQL. 2021-01-17 HL7ScriptService 10.050, HL7TransmitterService 10.060 + Added the StatusSQL ini setting to have the connection status written to the database on database-enabled connections. This can be used to write your own service monitoring application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For older release notes, see releasenotes_old.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------