This is the page for anything that doesn't belong elsewhere. Basically, any non-programming related topics.
I do most of the cooking around my house. Here are some of my favorites.
(T=tablespoon, t=teaspoon, C=cup)
I have been playing guitar since I was about 13. I have an '86 Yamaha CG-130 and an '86 Kramer Focus 1000 with a Floyd Rose tremolo, both bought new. I also recently acquired an '84 Guild acoustic (not pictured). I'm a lefty. The small size acoustic on the left is my daughter's.
Here are a few poorly recorded, unedited jams - just a cheap PC mic that came with a soundcard and Windows' Sound Recorder. These are original compositions, warts and all.
My wife made an Instagram for our dogs: @apollo_life_az
The works on this page by Ray Marron
are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.