Hostess has a number of actions available directly from the command line.
You may specify more than one and they are carried out in the order given.
No text files are shown as a result of any of these activities, regardless
of current preferences. After performing the command(s), Hostess will exit.
* Options marked with an asterisk are deprecated and may be
removed in future versions.
- /w[ritehosts]
- Hostess will perform a Write HOSTS. If
a post-Write command has been defined, it will
be run.
- /d[isable]
- Hostess will disable the HOSTS file. If it
is already disabled, nothing happens.
- /n
/en[able] *
- Hostess will re-enable the HOSTS file. If the file is already enabled,
nothing happens.
- /i[h|p]=filename
/i[mport]=filename *
- Hostess will import the given file using the
options saved when performing the last manual import.
The options are used to specify a hosts (the default)
or plain text format import file.
If the option to create an import report is turned on, the report will
be created but not shown.
A Write HOSTS will not be automatically run after a command line import.
If you want one done, add a /writehosts command as well.
- /x[h|p][a]=filename
/ex[port]=filename *
/a[llgroups]=filename *
- Hostess will export its database to the
specified file using the same options as the last manual export. The
available options stand for a hosts (the default) or
plain text format file, and the option to export
all groups instead of the default group selection.
- /r[i|u|b|p]=filename
/r[egistry]=filename *
/p[laintext]=filename *
/u[ninstall]=filename *
/b[oth]=filename *
- Creates a Restricted Zone registry file
using the saved options. The mutually-exclusive options represent
the desire to create a REGEDIT4
install (the default),
both, or
plain text format file respectively.
Example: hostess /i=c:\temp\newhosts.txt /w
Remember to quote any filenames that contain spaces!